Find a way, not an excuse.

Most of us are in the middle of training for a 5K, half, or a full marathon. We are all trying to better our health and stay active. At times, training can get hard and the goal might seem further away than it is. It is totally up to us on how we handle it. Just remember that you are strong enough to do anything you set your mind too.


When you set your mind to reach a certain goal, you’ll find a way if you want it bad enough. Runners of all levels have bad days. Some days come easier to others and might make you feel discouraged. But fret not! Remember that you are NOT competing against other runners! Don’t compare yourself and your training to others. We are all built differently and we have different strength and weaknesses. There is no such thing as a perfect runner, some don’t show/share their strength or weakness, and that is fine. Just be aware of it and don’t let it beat you. Don’t get discouraged if you hit plateau in your training, just change it up. Don’t let it get to you mentally. Your mind is super powerful and can make you feel things that aren’t true, or things that aren’t even there.


While many of you know my story and follow my journey(which I GREATLY appreciate) here is another version of my story. It’s very well written and my favorite way my story has been written. It was written by some of the most supportive, smart, companies I’ve worked with. CogniTea has been a big part of my training. I drink a cup or two before every run. It gives me energy, alertness, and focus. ALL NATURAL. It’s delicious!! I am a HUGE tea drinker and have a mug collection problem, even though I don’t think it’s a problem, just running out of room to keep them 😉

Their version of my story on me was very popular I am sharing it with you all again because when I did a while back, I received the most emails ever on a story about me. You were all moved and inspired by it so it being #motivationalMonday here it is in case some of you are in need of motivation or a little kick in the butt.

Click here to read my story.
Click here to read my story.

Remember to keep positive and keep focused. You CAN do it. Even if you fail and fail, keep trying and you will succeed. It took me, what felt like forever to run a mile. Running just a few feet felt like the hardest thing I’ve done. It took a LOT of times trying to run further and further. I never had a time goal, just a distance goal. But I never felt like giving up. I had always run throughout my life and when I first started dating my husband, we always went for runs a few times a week. What it really meant was he would run, and I would walk behind him…waaayy behind him. About to be together for 10 years, I now run next time. It took a long time and many days of angry tears but I did it. I still am doing it. I am not the best, I am not the fastest, but I am a RUNNER. I don’t compete against anyone but myself. I strive for the best and always looking for a way to better my running. Each time I run, I learn, I grow, I overcome.


Just want you all to realize how strong and amazing you all are. You have the strength within you, even on days you feel like you failed. You are learning more about yourself with each time you surpass a goal and cross that finish line. Give yourself the credit and the care you deserve. Running isn’t easy and it takes strength, and mental toughness to get to the top. Call yourself a runner and be proud. Embrace the bad runs and learn from them, Those are the days you grow the most.


I face daily obstacles, with running, and in general. There are days where getting up and out of bed are tough. Like the other night I was cooking dinner for my family and I had to stop. I grabbed the pan to switch sides and that was enough to swell up my back and put me in bed with ice. But once I felt well enough I went back and continued. Life is about falling and standing up again. My Scoliosis affects every aspect of my life but that isn’t a reason to stop or give up. Just because my path has more bumps than I’d like, it doesn’t make me feel like my dreams are impossible. I find ways around them, I look for different ways to succeed. I will never give up, so why should you?

-the Scoliosis runner


8 responses to “Find a way, not an excuse.”

  1. Anna @ Piper's Run Avatar

    I often looked at other runners when I was injured and didn’t compare but felt left behind with my running. Love this post.

  2. Jess@Flying Feet In Faith Avatar
    Jess@Flying Feet In Faith

    Encouraging post! Thank you so much! You are truly a strong inspiration. Love all the motivational posters too. 🙂

    1. runner unleashed Avatar
      runner unleashed

      Thank you! That was my purpose!

  3. Tammi Avatar

    Thank you i just did my first 5k kinda felt left in the dust by the stronger runners but i still acomplished my goal on time. I learned this very thing that day. I need to beat me. Not them.

    1. runner unleashed Avatar
      runner unleashed

      Exactly! They aren’t competing with you just as you are not competing with them. Good job on achieving that goal!

  4. Paula Avatar

    So glad I found this post. I just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon. I jog very slowly and the doctor tells me not to run because of my sciatica and plantar… Thank you for your advice. Not giving up.

    1. runner unleashed Avatar
      runner unleashed

      AWESOME! so glad you found me too! Congratulations on signing up for a half! That is the first step in the right direction. Good luck!

  5. Jimmy Jacobs Avatar

    Awesome Blog!!! Very nice post. I love good reads even though with life in general I don’t spend lots of time doing so. I’m not the biggest blogger evet, but I hope to blog from timr to time. I will keep you in my prayers. Thanks so much for the inspiration, and God Bless You is my prayer.
    2/Jacobs Heart..+
    Andrew/Dad, (I’m Dad).

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